Valuable Internet Resources & Associates of the Omnigma Organization
This esoteric selection is of sites we have found to be worthwhile, so we support their work. We hope you will support them, too. Some are non-profit. Some are for profit, all are quite ethical.
» The Fine Arts ('other than our sites' he said modestly)
Fiddleheads Violin Studio - violin sales and info
  highly ethical - serves customers world wide from Canada

Classical Archives - worlds best collection
» Educational
Howard Zinn Foundation - To inspire people to
  read, learn, and make history

Daniel Sjursen - historian, author and political analyst
» Political
TBD - Sociologist and Political Analyst
Democratic Socialists of America
» Computer hardware
Parts-People - Dell laptops and parts
Microcenter - wide variety of computer parts
B&H photo, video and electronics
» Computer software
PortableFreeware - free portable windows programs
Portableapps - free portable windows programs
NoteWorthy Composer - compose, play and print music
Goldwave - Music and MultiMedia Workstation Programs
» Computer Operating System Info
DistroWatch - Comprehensive Linux Operatiing System Resource
Puppy Linux - versatile lightweight operating system
Mint Linux - highly capable easy to use operating system
» Internet Development Resources
duckduckgo - The Safe Search Engine
QWK NET - excellent website hosting - inexpensive, reliable website domain registration
» Economics
Professor Richard D. Wolff
» Social Benefit
the American Civil Liberties Union
the Southern Poverty Law Center
» Sociological & Philosophical
Hobbes, Locke, and Very Silly Hats - existential philosophical comics
SkepChick aka Rebecca Watson - socio-scientific blog
   » secularhumanism
the FreeThought Blogs
the Freedom From Religion Foundation
» News
Crooks and Liars - news with a touch of sarcasm
Techdirt - news of computers and society
The Electronic Frontier Foundation - protecting your digital rights
Digby's Hullabaloo - political news & commentary
Smirking Chimp - The Internet's Band of Incorrigible Spitballers® Since 2006
All Hat No Cattle - pointed political commentary
Professor Juan Cole - unique perspective on world news
Reader Supported News - unique world news
Truthout - Fearless, Independent News and Opinion
Common Dreams - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
» Comics
Non Sequitur - clever, intelligent comics by Wiley Miller
Pedro X. Molina - sophisticated political comics
Clay Jones - political cartoons & commentary
All these links take you to sites we do not control. Even though we have visited them and found them to be honest, valuable and have a good reputation, we cannot guarantee the results when you click them.